Sunday, October 05, 2014

It's not Easy being Green...

Osler has started using a program called Zones of Regulation where students are coached to become more aware of their emotional states.  They develop strategies to help them get into the "green zone" so they are ready to learn.  This week, our class created bitstrips to demonstrate some of the emotions associated with each zone.  Here are a few examples of our creations. (Students will be finishing them up this week and printing them out.)

As our Harvest lunch approaches (and a long Thanksgiving weekend), we will be focusing on what we are thankful for in this great country of ours.  Over the next few weeks, our Grade 5s will be studying about government systems and running a mock municipal election.  Grade 4s are learning about Canada's regions and natural resources.

In math, we are studying data management and graphing.  In language, we are learning proper paragraph format, and how to write a topic sentence with supporting details.   Madame McConville tells me there is a music test coming up on Friday and students will be taking home their books soon to study.

Looking forward to another good week - and a yummy harvest lunch on Friday!

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